by Pristine Home Inspections | May 4, 2016 | Mold Inspection
The crawl space in your home has the potential for many unwanted issues, as this often unseen area can be a breeding ground for mold. The crawl spaces in many homes tend to have higher humidity levels then both the outside air and the air in the rest of your home,...
by Pristine Home Inspections | Apr 18, 2016 | Uncategorized
Mold growth is something every homeowner should be concerned about, but one of the problems with mold is that it can grow in so many different places. While you may be experiencing symptoms of mold inhalation, you may not be able to clearly identify mold as the...
by Pristine Home Inspections | Apr 5, 2016 | Check Up Inspections, Home Inspection Tips
Most homeowners spend time preparing their home for the winter, but many don’t think to check their home again once the season has come and gone. Maybe that’s because spring is a time for hope and new life, and you are starting to do outdoor activities and getting...
by Pristine Home Inspections | Mar 22, 2016 | Bacteria
The spring season ushers in the welcoming sights and smells of gorgeous flowers in bloom, a reprieve from the ice and snow following you around all winter and the chance to get outdoors to enjoy the sunshine. However, a large part of the season is spring storms that...
by Pristine Home Inspections | Mar 17, 2016 | Check Up Inspections, Inspections
Hiring an experienced home inspector to check out a property is not only useful when you’re thinking of buying a new house, but also when your current home hasn’t been inspected for quite some time. This is especially true when it comes to some of the less traveled...
by Pristine Home Inspections | Mar 10, 2016 | Holmes Inspection, Safety Tips
Whether you’re in the process of buying a new home or you’re happy with your current house, Pristine Inspections & Testing is here to make sure you live in a safe environment. That’s why we’re always on the lookout for potential threats to homeowners throughout...
by Pristine Home Inspections | Mar 2, 2016 | Radon
A British court revealed earlier this year that in 2006, Russian spies murdered former KGB operative Alexander Litvinenko using polonium-210. The story blew to massive proportions as Russian president Vladimir Putin said he “probably” approved the killing, showing the...
by Pristine Home Inspections | Jan 20, 2016 | Radon
Radon is a radioactive gas that’s produced by the earth from naturally occurring uranium in the soil and water decaying over time. This gas is harmful to people when exposed to elevated levels over an extended period of time. In some areas in the country where radon...
by Pristine Home Inspections | Jan 7, 2016 | Radon
You may have been told that it’s a smart idea to have your property tested for radon, but what is exactly is radon and why is it harmful? Although many homes throughout the U.S. have some level of radon inside, many people are exposed to amounts that can cause a...
by Pristine Home Inspections | Dec 10, 2015 | Pristine Home Inspections, Safety Tips
There are a number of things to look forward to throughout the holiday season, including the opportunity to decorate your house and Christmas tree with festive lights. Unfortunately, decorative lights can be safety hazards if not installed and managed properly, so...